The elusive keys

One mad rush this evening - I did the banking for work after a really exciting afternoon catching up on filing and then rushed home to get Lottie to Rainbows. Hubby is on a night shift so he couldn't take her.

My plan was to drop her off, nip round to my dad's bungalow to make sure everything was ok and pick up any post, then go back and collect her. Checked in my bag on the way out and there were no keys! Rushed upstairs frantically checking handbags and coat pockets but no sign.

Got little miss sunshine to rainbows and came home to locate the keys - I knew I had had them at the weekend as I had planned to nip across then but didn't get chance, I checked my handbag again, I checked my camera bag but still no sign.

Then it dawned on me, I had put my waterproof coat on when we went to the park....sure enough there they were! Decided I just had time to get to Ossett and then back to Rainbows. Collected an electricity bill where the opening estimate was higher than the actual reading, never mind the closing estimate so can feel a phone call to Npower coming on tomorrow!

Collected Lottie plus Easter offerings and came home and finally got my tea, have just finished getting my stuff together for the weekend. We are supposed to be visiting my brother in Hinckley - not sure if we will make it thanks to the lovely spring weather!

Apologies for the lack of comments last night, and for the next few days - I promise I will catch up with your wonderful journals x

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