Video Call

My day began with a lovely video call after little Miss B had apparently asked her mum to phone Glanny Lee (Granny C) and Glamps Way (Mr PP). First, she cooked invisible cup cakes in her toy oven and fed them to the camera, then watched me chewing them with appropriate noises of appreciation. Then she took us in the garden, where she made sand ice-creams, likewise feeding them to the phone screen. 

She then took me for a walk round their garden (as I've often done with her since she was a baby, naming all the flowers). Her mum tells her their names, too. LMB being a little sponge, correctly named several flowers as she carried the camera round - from sweet peas to pansies. Did my heart good!

In our garden, following our absence from home, the birds took longer than usual to return to the feeding station, largely because I've repositioned it. Perhaps I'll blip birds tomorrow, as it's so good to see them again. (That guarantees their absence! ;-))

Otherwise, I've spent a lot of the day continuing with my acrylic painting. Might share the result when I deem it finished, but that is certainly not yet! I'm enjoying the process, though, whatever the result.

It's been dull and dry today, but for painting I could have done with a bit more natural light. Don't like working in artificial light. Nice to be playing rather than Working with a capital W!

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