Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

More abstract fun

Photo class this morning and we were looking at the image interpretations done by everyone. We each had 2 of our own images and 2 from someone else and had to do the best processing we could. It's always fascinating to see the different approaches.

I tried experimenting with floaty materials this afternoon for another abstract image - I need 6 for my project. I wanted to have fine gauzy pastel colours blowing in the breeze with lots of light coming through. We don't have a white wall. My materials were not floaty enough. The light was wrong.

So, instead you have a piece of beautiful red material from India. I like the patterns and the gradation of light and shade. The more I look, the more I see patterns within.

Went to hear Hadrian Singers in Haltwhistle tonight. We arrived very late. I hadn't checked the time because we'd been offered a lift...........we were 30 minutes out!!

PS Arth sulked painfully today, proving he was correct about yesterday's walk. I give in and will not walk tomorrow.

PPS Last year's blip reminds me that I was enjoying a holiday in Cyprus 1 year ago. People there must be so terrified that their savings disappear with the failing economy. Makes you think.

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