Coffee date or bookworm?
Well the building work started today (see extra) so much noise! Poor Carys was trying to do a conditioning class on zoom but the noise kept making her jump!
Will went to hockey camp, which he enjoyed and it was good to see him in outfield for a change when I collected him at 3pm.
Carys finished her class. Complained Luke was trying to kill her and then spent about 40mins stretching.
After lunch the lesser known sight of Carys leaving the house for no real reason occured. She came into town with me and spent some book vouchers in Waterstones. She then stayed at Nero while I went to collect Will, met us at the car to dump her, now book heavy, bag and walked home.
The bathroom has been stripped out. Lucky we are doing this as the shower has been leaking into the wall cavity and the builder is surprised it hadn't leaked into downstairs. The wall between C's room and the bathroom is just a few bits of wood now. Wi be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.
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