Sad face overlooking the coop

So we left on time, 10am, with a jump start from a neighbour and a car so overladen, it was astonishing. Elbows was determined to get us each a proper Cornish pasty before we left Falmouth and he drove around and around like a possessed madman but he did it. And they were yum.

So a long old journey back - 8.5 hours of it. But we arrived safe and sound and I’m immensely grateful for that.

It’s good to be home but a little teeny weeny bit sad to have left Falmouth, with so much we could have done but didn’t. We did a lot but there’s so much more and we’d love to go back one day. Maybe even to the same house.

And sad too that our fox-proof chicken coop has proven to be not fox-proof. We can’t believe what the fox/es have done. The chickens were safe in their little domed hen house but the coop now needs another level of reinforcements. It helps that the dogs are now home.

Main thought - it’s been a great week.

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