Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Bin day

Grabbed this shot this morning, Monday is bin day. With three (four if you pay for garden waste) bins collected on Mondays but at different intervals (black (good) weekly, blue (recycling) fortnightly, and green (general) three weekly you need a spreadsheet to work out which week is which. Alternatively, look around the street and follow the neighbours. ;)

Ok day at work, apart from a major IT issue. They were moving our database from a hard server to the cloud. We had been informed that from midday for 3 hours max it would not be available. Needless to say, end of play today, still down ;~( They also thought August was the best time (eh, school holidays, holiday period). Oh well! :)

Lovely catch up and games today and a wonderful pavlova mmmmmm :)


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