Still no Baby!!!

Following on from yesterdays walk with our neighbour, I then got invited over to see my neighbours wife's craft room...... OH . MY . GOD . She doesn't only have the one craft room - she has 2!!! She a professional quilter with the most enormous 10 foot quilting machine. She also has about 5 sewing machines with a box of about 20 sewing machine feet!!! If only I knew that when my sewing machine was playing up!!!! I was in total awe. And to her its just a hobby!!! She doesn't even sell it. Amazing.

I arranged to take DN2 for a long walk to help get Baby going. No joy yet. But I have now booked a private pool for Thursday to take Baby M for his 1st swim so Im kind of hoping she might hold on for that now!!!! She did well to walk so far. Well, 8000 steps is far when you are 39+5 weeks pregnant!!!

Lady Linda is coming over this afternoon for a few days. Its the 5 Anniversary of her Husbands (Mr W's Best friend) Death today. She's feeling it a bit. 

Guess I'd better go change some beds!!!

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