
The unusual name of a village that we cycled through today but very typical of the villages in this Engadine area of Switzerland. Many houses are painted and the windows are set back with shutters at an angle.

This morning was tough on the bikes. Lots of gravel tracks through the forest. P had a really bad fall (see extra) when his bike wheel got stuck on a bridge but luckily escaped with a few scrapes, although he’s stiff tonight.

The afternoon was better and we had some stunning views of the River Inn. We did 80km and about 300m of ascent. We avoided one section of uphill as I don’t think our road bikes would’ve made it up. Perhaps we’d have been better with the ebikes on this trip.

Tonight we are camped at a campsite that is very basic and very much in nature but a lovely spot by the Albula river with mountain views. No cycling tomorrow…we will see after that.

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