~An Inclined Sunset~
~My Inclination To Vividness~
As my regular viewers know, I love bright shocking colors, that twist and envelop their neighboring colors. Tonights sunset image is no exception to my propensity for twisted vividness. I shoot all my images in the RAW format which give me the greatest latitude for image adjustment and manipulation. Some believe my post-processing is a sin, if that is the case then I am damned to the eternal fires. Still others think that my taking artistic license to transform my images into what I saw in my minds eye is my right, for it is my image. If I believe that my work brings pleasure to others that may have my perspective on beauty in colors then let it be done. This image not only speaks to my minds eye but also talks to my heart, filling it with love for nature on my terms and not for my critics pleasure.
Thank you for checking in on TucsonJim ;o)
A Larger Inclined Sunset
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