Journies at home

By journiesathome

Le Courtin, Saubrigues

I had forgotten how easy it is to live in a house;  to have a kitchen where everything is in the one place; fridge, oven, sink.  To have a kitchen full stop.
To have hot water when you turn the tap to the left.  To be able to wash your face without boiling a kettle and have a shower in a cubicle instead of standing on a pallet and emptying jugs of water over you. To have a bathroom full stop.
I'd forgotten that it doesn't matter if you stay asleep until 11 a.m because there is nothing you have to do to wake up earlier for.  
I have to admit that yesterday evening was a heavy one.  Gina and her new bloke came round for an apéro and then emptied their fridge into our empty fridge because they were leaving today.  Once we'd milked the wine-cow bag, Gina went back and got more Tursan (what even is Tursan?  I've never seen a vineyard in these parts).
Her husband died in February and she fell out of a plane tree last week.  This meant her spine had to be cemented back together and she was being repatriated back to Alsace today.  She must have caught the plane with a massive hangover.
I'd forgotten how easy it is to just get into the car and drive to the coast without rallying an army who argue about who's going to sit in the front and what music we're going to listen and whether it's morally acceptable to leave the dog in the car while we do a quick shop.
I'd forgotten that the grass is dewy as soon as the sun goes down because we're on reclaimed marshes and that however hot the days are the evenings are cool.
I remembered how Mu did her spinning top thing in the waves and Gab surfed until a dead dog washed up on the beach beside him. I remembered how Mu blessed our feet with sand and became happy again.

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