Conophytum pellucidum neohallii Windhoek
This was an obvious choice for me for a blip on a very busy day. I have been keeping an eye on this plant, which has had flower buds for a little while now. Today was the first time that the flowers have come out, so after finishing off the final version of a report to send away, and before heading out for some chores, I took my macro lens into the conservatory to see what I could do. I was pretty sure that the flowers would have closed up again by the time I got home, and that was the case.
Conophytum is a genus closely related to Lithops. I have found Conophytum plants in the wild in South Africa, although I'm still on the lookout for Lithops. I will have to go back there again soon. This particular species produces lots of small bodies that each produce a flower bud opening into a white flower with yellow centre, so it is a very pretty plant.
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