Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Happy on the Hills

I was given this Michael Leunig cartoon today, and I find it rather fascinating. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I did note with interest that where the cartoon people have just climbed up a hill - effort, activity, purpose, drive - they are happy, and yet after a nice easy downhill they're despondent.

Or we could just see it as a concrete and simplistic illustration of "up" and "down" moods ... ;-)

Anyway, our train - which was dead, and had to be rescued by another - is moving: 3/4 of an hour or so late. Yay. I think at home I might just have to indulge in more toffee date slice, with a coffee. ;-)

Busy busy busy day today: stopped ... paused ... long enough to shovel in my lunch, but that was it from go to woah. Again, 'twas good, but man! I am so much busier now I'm full-time outpatient.

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