
Of insect photos - I have three in a row!

Didn't go to my Dad's today - he'd said he was going out for a drive, but he changed his mind and cut the front hedge instead! He called to tell me that the hospital phoned and now he's going to have an in-person appointment which would be best anyway. I will go over on Friday.

Today was earmarked for cleaning the kitchen and for once it wasn't too annoying. I didn't rush - did yoga, had a shower and breakfast first, and then connected my phone to the speaker to listen to my heavy metal playlist on Spotify while I worked. It all looks much better now. I do want to tidy the cupboards but I'll do that a bit at a time over the coming week I think.

I've got a small wash-load done but it is not going to dry outside today I'm sure. It's not rained (much!) but the air just feels heavy with moisture. 

After lunch I had a walk down the riverside to find a Blip. The river has green weed on it again (see extras) and the fish are quite partial to it - I could see loads of all sizes nibbling on it from under the water. The weed clearly plays an important part in the river's ecosystem. 

The bee was the only insect I saw, unsurprisingly with how gloomy it was today. It was on a weed growing through the fence that separates the rough old pavement from some wild ground. I think there may be one of these very pretty weeds in one of our hanging baskets too.

There's Rugby League tonight. It feels like a Friday to me, not being at my Dad's and Rugby on TV!

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