
A Silver Y I think?   As the sun has graciously shown her face again I decided to spend the last of the rays in our garden after spending  most of the day with R&B, but indoors of course as B is not able to go very far from his hospital bed, but was in a much brighter mood I'm glad to say and enjoyed the goodies I brought him from the market, including some of the Dahlias and rhubarb from H,  and the famous gluten-free Brownies I make, courtesy of our lovely Blipper, SandraSuisse.   Our friend Beryl, (one of the 3 Amigos) came for lunch too, so a very lovely afternoon it was.

Back in our garden:   I found this lovely specimen lurking in the folds of the umbrella and when I put it down there were another two.  I counted 7 Tortoiseshell Butterflies, 2 Large Whites and a host of bees on the Verbena.  

It's been a beautiful day but at 6pm nature flicked the switch and it seemed like Autumn has arrived.

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