Today was the first day CyclopsJnr attended an after school club this year. They have a lot more choice from P3 onwards, plus more choice due to fewer Covid restrictions. CyclopsJnr was spoiled for choice! But he picked three.
These are also now longer (An hour compared to 35 mins in P1/2) and he already finishes the school day later (3.25pm compared to 2.50pm in P1/2) so the day is pretty much all taken up collecting him at half four!
So Wednesday club will be Judo. CyclopsJnr has not done Judo before but he was very keen and seemed to enjoy it. Four other kids from his class went and it was new to most of them, so that was nice.
Also new today, the kids could check books out from the school library to bring home. Not allowed last year due to Covid! CyclopsJnr was pleased and brought two non-fiction books home - 'See inside your body' and 'Great women who changed the world'.
CyclopsJnr was going to play out for an hour when we got home but no-one was about, so he played swingball with MrsCyclops instead.
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