The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

A walk on the Tay

A previously  arranged walk with ex colleagues  was cancelled, so I decided to do my own thing. I headed towards Willowgate cafe and found it shut. Ah well, who needs scones anyway. I did pop into Perth for an hour and had a bite to eat. The MonStar was great, but she was shattered again. All this walking and pavement training is taking it out of her/us.

The Shally was having a small ding sorted so we drove to Bridge of Earn to pick her up. As Ru is house sitting  in Glenfarg, I took the pup on a drive-by to say hi.
He is not the lonely goatherd as Nicola is helping with the 16 goats, 4 chickens and 3 dogs and he's  working too. I am so proud of him letting Avril get away for a week and he says he is enjoying it. He's  gonna need one himself...only a month to wait. 


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