
The angle grinder cuts almost everything, even its own cable :-/
It's something from the rubric: Shit happens!
I'm glad that H0tamer can fix something like that.
We archived another step on our terrace project. Have a look here for the recent state. Now there will be a number of rainy days. That means no more palisades - but painting.... (and hopefully a bit of easy going household) 
Tired to the bones. Even a power nap at 23 pm couldn't fix it. 
On the pro side: I managed to stay awake after the alarm to have time for this entry and some research about trass cement for grouting the palisades
On the con side: I'm too tired for your journals. I really hope everybody is well and has a good time. Thank you so much for sticking with me. It means a lot to me!!! X X X

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