Carpentry workshop

Luckily I knew where these doors and dhows were so it was park, run and back into the cool air-conditioned car.
This dhow and those doors are made here..
So todays temp was 43deg C (109deg F)  with a feel like temp of 56deg C ( 132deg F). That's all thanks to the high humidity

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 130 new cases, 1 fatalities and 90 recoveries today.

BAHRAIN has reached its target of booster doses
The country reached the goal of 200,000 jabs in 23 days  with 200,093 shots being administered which is 78.5 per cent of the estimated number (254,870) of eligible individuals.

Australia's new daily cases of Covid-19 topped 1,000 on Thursday for the first time since the global pandemic began, as two major hospitals in Sydney set up emergency outdoor tents to help deal with a rise in patients.
Of 116 people in intensive care in NSW, 102 are not vaccinated. 
Some 47,700 cases and 989 deaths. About 32% of people above 16 have been fully vaccinated while just over 54% have had at least one dose.

New Zealand reported 68 new cases on Thursday taking the total number of people infected in the latest outbreak to 277. Of the total cases, 263 are in Auckland and 14 are in the capital Wellington.
About 80% of the population has yet to be fully vaccinated. The government said 3 million doses have been administered so far and a record 87,000 people were vaccinated in the past 24 hours.

Protection against Covid-19 offered by two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines begins to fade within six months,
After five to six months, the effectiveness of the Pfizer jab at preventing Covid-19 infection in the month after the second dose fell from 88% to 74%
AstraZeneca vaccine, effectiveness fell from 77% to 67% after four to five months.

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