Tucking in.
A satisfying day. Although I wasn't up early I've done OK. Hoverflies were out in force first thing so I had a pre- breakfast photo session after doing my exercises. As a result breakfast was almost lunch and by the time I'd had a read and done a crossword it was nearly two o'clock. Went into the garden and did a lot of weeding. Cleared the garden path which was becoming an obstacle course then took myself upstairs to hang a patchwork piece I'd brought out for my selfie project and decided to keep out. I expected this to take ages and be a fiddle but I measured and marked carefully. Could hardly believe it when I got it right first time. Was so pleased I treated myself to tea, a heat pad and another read. Afterwards I went up to the Pillars for milk and a few odds and ends then into the garden with the camera again. There are still lots of butterflies around but somehow I'm not getting the photo I want. I think I'm obsessed with hoverflies at the moment and their long tongues. They stand there and lick pollen at such high speed it's hard to get a sharp shot.
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