Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Cold enough to ..........

justify taking the Christmas sweater out of mothballs :-)

And as it doesn't get worn very often I felt the need to capture it in a much overdone self portrait pose - the old take your own picture in the mirror pose.

I tried to be a little different by adding the picture to the lens (twice) which is as much as the resolution permitted. I recall seeing the Only Fools and Horses annual once which had a cover of the characters (Del & grandad I think) holding the Only Fools and Horses annual with the picture on it ... you get the picture. It fascinated me how they could do that, but then I didn't know about Photoshop at the time, and we are talking about the early 80s if I recall when we used film and had to wait at least a week to see the results of our efforts

Booked the spa treatments for the ladies today. A little treat for them all next weekend when the family goes away en mass for our 30th wedding anniversary. I've had trouble keeping a straight face in recent weeks when my wife, daughter, sister in law and mother in law tell me they want a facial. Even Jack cracks up and he's only 12!

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