There are no flowers in my yard today and I wasn't going any farther, so here's one of my ubiquitous weeds. They seem to know when we're away and they multiply even faster! I do like dandelion clocks, though, so I'll enter this for Flower Friday. Many thanks to BikerBear for keeping the challenge going for so long. :-)
I am grateful that I called UHaul to confirm my trailer hitch appointment today because they did not have me scheduled today or any other day. I've had two previous appointments that they cancelled and rescheduled at the last minute but apparently today's appointment never made it onto their schedule. So, I spent a very frustrating few hours on the phone trying to get rescheduled as they couldn't find the part I needed - which they said they had before. Fortunately, it's just for a hitch on my car (to use for a bike rack) and it's not urgent. I think they got it figured out and I'm now rescheduled for the 10th. I would tell them to stuff it but they're $300 cheaper than the next lowest quote, so I just have to suck it up. I'm going to call them every day between now and the 10th to check on the part and the appointment! Grrr!
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