Fading glory

Busy wee morning as after Phin had his walk and we’d both had breakfast he napped until Mr PHL came down to join us and I headed off to do some errands. I picked up an order from the pet superstore, nipped to the craft warehouse to collect some more wool and headed to the supermarket to try to find GF pastry for a salmon dish I’m planning soon. Pastry purchased, a few other items had also found their way into my trolley - funny how that happens!

Home for lunch and although id planned to catch up on the ironing this afternoon, it was nice to sit with Phin whilst he had another long nap in the sunny spot by the window.

Prepped a pork and apple casserole for dinner and was just about to head out for a walk when I got a message from a fellow dog Walker and we headed off to meet her. We had a good hour long walk, Phin ate his dinner and crashed again. Obviously a sleepy day for him.

Quiet evening and was heading for bed when I remembered to blip this lovely coloured rose - part of a wee bouquet Miss PHL was given on Monday.
Thanks to Anni, BikerBear for hosting.

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