Night Time Adventures

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

It appears I am something of a teddy bear savant. Perhaps it is my inherently immature bearing, I do not know. But I have recently bought two teddy bears for colleagues and their children are SMITTEN.

I bought a pink teddy bear for Aubrey because she had not been well and I did not know what else to do. The teddy bear in question called to me, and so I bought it. 

Ellie later showed me a video of Aubrey WRESTLING the teddy bear in her crib. "She keeps this up for AGES," said Ellie, beaming. "The only problem is that she won't go to sleep if the bear is in the crib. He's just too exciting."

Fazzy was the recipient of a red panda (see picture) for Zaydaan. To be honest, the red panda was a bit of an afterthought. I knew Hani was into pink, so I bought her a pink llama. Not really knowing Zay's taste, he got a red panda because I like red pandas. That is all the thought that went into it. 

"That ****ing red panda!" said Fazzy a couple of weeks later. "I could strangle you!"

Not the reaction I was expecting. But ok.

It turns out that Zay is OBSESSED with "Cutie" the red panda. The two are inseparable. And so when Cutie goes missing (as he is wont to do) at 2am in the morning, it is mummy who is awakened to find him under the bed and tuck him back in, to calm the panicked Zay.

Fazzy was looking a bit tired that day, I will admit.

I suggested that Fazzy explain Cutie's night time disappearances by making up a story about it, but she just looked at me. So, because I am me, I have started writing some night time adventures for Cutie. 

I have only done one so far, but Fazzy liked it and demanded more. I will do three or four more I reckon and then illustrate them and print them out. 

The inspiration is not so hard. In the first adventure, Cutie travels to the land of the pink llamas where he meets Ellie The Floaty Witch. In the next part, he returns to help Sheneep-Noop* the Sickly Chicken by searching out the Miracle Pixie**. 

I'm also thinking about a story involving Poopong Jock McPlop. You can tell Bokhara, I'm sure this would make him happy.

All this keeps me entertained in the evenings you know. Well that and reading about YOUR magical adventures here on blip, of course.


* Ellie's nickname for Shenée.
** My nickname for Shenée.

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