
By Marionb

Not Today....

The day started out with a surprise..From 30 º C yesterday to 13 ºC this morning - along with a  very brisk north and then northeast wind! I had to bundle up in a hoodie - with the hood UP  and hands in pockets -  to go down to the dock to watch the sunrise - which, by the way,  was a big disappointment and it was much too cold to sit there waiting for it to get better. Hence, no sunrise blip today. 

My sister is now here with me and we had really been looking forward to going out in the canoe...but not today. Even when the sun came out and it warmed up, the wind was still a bit too brisk for us amateur paddlers; so, we had to resort to lounging, reading, chatting, and of course going in search of photo-ops, which we used to do even before joining Blipfoto!   As the island is less than an acre in size, there's not a lot of land to cover when searching for interesting subject matter! Needless to say, we were not all that successful. It just wasn't a good day for photographs. 

What we did notice as we wandered around though, was how the water levels had gone down quite drastically overnight with the shifting of the wind direction. Where there had been water a couple of days ago, there was now a strip of muddy shoreline. The beaches had expanded; rocks that had been underwater, were now exposed...Amazing how so much can change so quickly! In no time, the shoreline had taken on a whole new character. We do have to deal with changing water levels from year to year, but we were surprised to see it happen overnight! Now we are waiting to see if it will rise again when the winds shift back to the southwest....hmmmm... 

We are also wondering whether we should have brought sweaters...and whether there is any kindling down at the woodpile lest a fire is required..It looks as if fall might have snuck up on us! 

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