
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I spent a lot of time with cats today. Dave and Dr. Girlfriend hung out with me in the garage for ages. 

She is a very cute little thing. She actually doesn't come over for food, it's more that she likes the company and to play with birdy on a stick. 

They visited a couple more times during the day. And I like hanging out with the pair. It is really very sweet how they are friends. Dr. Girlfriend goes trailing around after Dave all the time. And when she sees him she goes running up to him and gives him nudgies.

Jasper and Punky have never done that. They sort of like each other, but not really. Oftentimes they just get on each other's nerves. When they very first met, Punky licked Jasper and I thought that was really cute. I did not realise that licking is cat language for, "please get out of my way". 

No really. It is. 

This may be why Punky gets so annoyed by the presence of Dave. Here you can see a picture of Punky trying hard to pretend that Dave is NOT at the window. Meanwhile, Dave is giving Punky the Hairy Eyeball. 

If they ever make a record together, this would be their album cover. 

As I speak Jasper, Dave and Dr. Girlfriend are all curled up around the room with us. Punky cannot be in the room with us because he will try to attack Dr. Girlfriend. Fortunately he is asleep upstairs, so peace currently reigns. 


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