The Cotswold Arms

Right messing around day. Moreen has had an ache behind her ear and up the side of her head so we went to the local medical centre and they said we had to phone the national medical number, they didn’t return the call for around 3 hours then said go to Witney about 15 miles away. So off we went and they were very efficient and nice said it was most likely neuralgia and not to worry too much. 
On the way back we stopped at Burford had a very good cream tea and a walk around. It is a real tourist centre with lot of lovely buildings and parked cars everywhere so I waited a while to get a picture of this old Pub between the traffic.
This evening we are going to a local village hall to get together and my be a few dances.
The weather has been better today with less wing and a fair bit of sun

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