Day 1

Up early for a nice swim in the sea before breakfast, calm and beautiful. Then breakfast, I had toast with eggs and honey (separate slices of toast)

That’s where all the good news ended for the day. Obviously my cold wasn’t a fucking cold and I tested positive in my return home tests. Complete panic all round, multiple more positive tests and I was whisked away early evening to a different hotel. Not quite the same as the lovely hotel I was in but it’s ok, wifi, balcony, fridge, aircon.

Spent the evening squashing down my panic, meeting the 17 year old on the next door balcony who was here on a lads holiday. He was actually great, an old hand at the everything and was very helpful. His mother, who must have been out of her mind with worry, should be very proud of him.

Anyway, this is Day 1 of 10. I had considered not even blipping, such was my frame of mind (I’m writing this 24 hours later) but that would be 9 years broken and bugger that. Interesting photos of Crete and exciting daily activities maybe in short supply, but there we go.

And for the record, it has been a really wonderful holiday and I will not let this nonsense change that.

All distracting chit chat v welcome…..

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