A precious scrap of paper

This scrap of paper symbolises to me true friendship.
Yesterday I had to be out all day - another friend needed my help - and the dogs would be left at home. For many years my friend has looked after the dogs if I am out for a long time - calling round to let them out at intervals, in the past she would also take them for a walk, on occasion she has moved in - when I was suddenly hospitalised some years ago she was round here prepared to stay even before the ambulance arrived!
Now we are both older I no longer go out all day - especially during the last 18 months - and she is less active, finding walking more difficult but also now having problems with her sight - night vision is difficult, and reading virtually impossible even with larger print documents and a magnifying glass.
Now, yesterday :- I asked her to pop round and let the dogs out at lunchtime as I was not expecting to be home until about 6pm. Unfortunately the situation changed and I had to stay at my other friend’s overnight. I phoned and asked if she could possibly go round in the evening (necessarily before it got dark or she wouldn’t be able to see) and let them out again - I expected to be home by 6am. She immediately said ‘what about their dinners?’ I had not intended to ask her to do the dinners knowing she could not see so well - they wouldn’t starve for the sake of a few more hours. But she wanted to help. Fortunately the dinners are ready measured out for the evening when I do the morning feed. But each dog has a different amount, of course.  I told her where to find the tubs of food, which was which and which bowls to use. I emphasised it wouldn’t matter if they got the wrong one but she said she would write it down.  With the phone in one hand she wrote down the instructions I gave. This is her note - I was able to read it at once - after all, I dictated it - but I am sure no-one else would make any sense of it. Only late in the evening did I realise I hadn’t mentioned water - but it was OK - she remembered they have warm water on the kibble and also refilled their water bowls. They were perfectly OK when I got home - but ‘relieved’ to get outside for a ‘wee’!. She was the first friend I made when I moved here over 40 years ago and is always willing to help anyone in need of it. True friends are worth more than money!

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