
By helenann

Putting Mi Rider through its paces

This morning I donned  helmet, high- vis, and even lycra, for our first adventure on the  Mi Rider e -bikes. We only went a few miles but travelled  up and down hill, with ease. As well as five power assist levels there is a thumb throttle boost to help with a standing start on a hill.You can also use it to  whizz along at 15.5 mph (max speed using the motor) while gently  pedalling, which I found great fun. While out,we came across a couple of acquaintances (older than us ) who were also riding  new e- cycles. He had a folding  e-bike quite similar to ours, and she had an  impressive e-tricycle.  They too were thrilled with their new wheels especially as they  hadn't cycled for a long time, and were delighted to  be back in the saddle. When we returned  home, our neighbours, who have also just  ordered a pair of Mi Riders, ran out to see how we were getting along. Their bikes should be ready next week and  it was clear they are impatient to collect them. 
Later, I watched  a few Youtube videos by people reviewing the Mi Rider. On one, a strapping young chap complained  he thought it was a bit heavy for taking  on a train when commuting .Then I watched one featuring   a slightly older, and  slightly- built woman, who said, "look, it's really light and  easy to carry, even with my dodgy back!" I had to smile.....     

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