
By JohnHeuston1

Ad agency showreel video

I have a large collection of ad agency showreel videos, left to me by a retired colleague. Back in the day, in order to watch ads, we wrote (a letter, no less) to ad agencies and requested video showreels of their best ads. This one, from the Leith Agency, is a collection of some of their ads for Tennent's. Cracking work from a cracking agency.

But these days, it's changed of course. Our resource is the agency website, or a mag site or a general ad resource site. Mostly of course it's YouTube, such a simple resource, but so under-rated and so taken for granted. As much as it's easy for teaching, so it is for students, in research or presentations. Fantastic, a real game-changer.

There's something magical about those videos though, not just in reminiscing how things are in teaching compared to how it was. They're branded with the agency marque, but the heart of it is the tangibility. Opening the case, slotting into video-player and pressing play. It somehow seems so outdated - I no longer own a VCR at home, and we'll be going the same way soon in college. The videos then are almost antiques, but all the more appealing for that reason.

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