Checking places out

It’s nearly the end of August and many of the local gardens will stop receiving visitors for this year. I decided to go along to the Burrows Garden, not too far from Derby.

I got lost.
Yes. I can and do use Satnav but for places that share a huge postcode area or are seriously off the beaten track, it’s not entirely straightforward.

I pulled over and asked a local farmer who gave me clear directions and I headed off down a single track road. This is less wise when huge tractors and loads of hay are negotiating them……

I found the garden. There was a sign, rather obscured, and no sign of people - anywhere.

There was an honesty box for the entrance fee and a plastic box with a map.

It was delightful, even on a dark, un-August-like morning. There’s a sad story which was written alongside the plan. Certainly a little different from the usual National Garden Scheme places.

More narrow roads, heavy tractor loads and passing places later, I returned home via the Fauld Crater. Towards the end of the Second World War, there was a massive explosion of a very large ammunition store, with very heavy casualties, and which changed the landscape forever. I remember my father talking about it, but apparently it was hushed up, even after the war had finished.

There are a number of suggested walks you can take around the crater itself, starting from a pub that does meals. Something to return to in the future. 

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