A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Bargain blooms!

Spent all day at home. Chris has been cutting back a Philadelphus. We have two and he trimmed the other one earlier in the year. 
They were in the garden when we moved in but had become very leggy. I noticed this one was overshadowing the Buddlieas  yesterday. It has taken him all day with lots of shredding and two trips to the tip!
I hope they come back as they flower around our birthdays (early July ) which is a bit between seasons in our garden with not much else happening.

I did a bit more tidying but we were a bit in each other’s way so I’ve been updating my photo files and adding to my photo books as it’s been much cooler again today.

I was going to photograph these for flower Friday but the chance to blip my son on his birthday was too strong.

They are nicer today anyway as they are more open. I got them on Friday at M & S. £3 for 5 stems, except there are 8! What a bargain. How can they grow them for that? I chose white as we have red (only two) in the garden.

Have a good day tomorrow if you have a bank holiday (Eng and Wales)

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