Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've gotten some chores done today, with was really nice! I'm almost celebrating when small things get done. Step by step, my life will get some order. :)
I went to throw some plastic bags filled with plastic, for the plastic bin. I'm always amazed with how much plastic is used at home, even though I try to use other materials. And also some cardboard for the cardboard/paper bin. 
I also treated my veggies and other plants outside, with some nourishment in the water. They will need that now. But, look at my tomato plants! I thought that the cold winds and rainy weather the last couple of days would've killed them off, but no... Thriving! :) The slightly coloured little tomato is seed from a tomato I bought at the greenhouse. Hopefully it and it's friends will mature outside.
I've also started preparing for my next book/journal. It will be slightly different since I want to be able to change the journals (one signature/journal) when they're full. The spine is cut and the back and front is from an old book. I'm tea dyeing papers right now and I've also tried tea dyeing fabric and lace. :)

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