We're all women now

The maximum amount of H2O air can hold depends on temperature. Warmer air can hold more. When it holds as much as it can, it is saturated.
78% humidity today. I'm remembering talking about how beautiful and lush it is here and this is the season and the month when everyone here tries to be somewhere else. 

I had a wonderfully social day with many hugs. My friends who let me shoot their wedding came over and picked up my old, giant desk to give it a new home now that I have a (sigh) perfectly sensibly sized standing desk. Then I went to Alexandria to see another friend I haven't seen in person in .... I don't know how long. We have the same risk tolerances - unmasked outside for dining is ok, mask inside to go to the bathroom. 

I describe my view of the new world as one where there is a new risk and we all have to balance it. As women, we learned early on that everything we do has risks. Where we walk, how we dress, who we date, all involve different risks. But even if we stay at home, in bed, under a blanket, we have risk. We have to live, to engage.

I had a wonderfully social day with many hugs, because I may or may not ever shake hands again, but I hug. 

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