Costume Malfunction
Afraid I've reached an age (or rather a shape) when braces are more comfortable than belts. This morning, fortunately at home, had a costume malfunction. Not the usual thing about the clips not gripping but the stitching had actually broken. Tried a belt but these rely on the wearer having a waist thinner the hips. So as you can see if you look carefully at the red braces on the left I had to staple the bottom leg back on. And braces are surprisingly hard to find in Inverness shops. Got a new pair from a place in Academy Street opposite the station. Unlike the old ones they have two legs at the back so we'll see. Why white? The alternative was shocking pink. Although in retrospect as I decided to get 2 pairs before the men in charge decide to stop making braces altogether I slightly regret not getting a pink pair instead of two white.
Now I don't have to hold up my trousers I can walk around with two hands free.
PS Location shows place of purchase not the photo.
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