Too much pink?

Slept like a log last night - almost 9 hours! Lovely morning walk with Phin helped drive the sleep from my eyes but by the time we’d both had breakfast I was starting to flag again so a rest on the sofa was called for.

Knocked off another couple of Age concern hats whilst Phin napped before I took him to the big field. He had a ball running about in the grass and was pretty good at coming back when I whistled though as I’m not the most tuneful, there were a couple of times where he looked very puzzled!

Nipped to the supermarket with Miss PHL for a few bits and pieces which turned out to be 2 full bags of shopping.

Home to try a GF banana bread which turned out pretty good. Mr PHL enjoyed his taster but made out it was just ok when he was told it was GF. He’s a real card!

Tried out some GF pastry wrapped around salmon topped with shallots/mushrooms/spinach for dinner - it wasn’t bad but not the puff pastry we’re used to.

After dinner it was time to tackle the ironing. Why does it build up so much?

Heading for bed early again as I’ve clocked up
More than 24000 steps today so am feeling a little tired again.
Night all

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