
By Mindseye

Fireplace flowers

I went up to bed around 12.30 last night, was still lay awake, with my thoughts & tears at 2.30, eventually I came downstairs, made a cup of tea and faffed in my ipad until 4am…..then back to bed, I lay there, something told me to switch the radio on, the dj was just saying “…..and this is Oleta Adams with Get Here” it made me smile as this was/is “our record” ……..so I guess he is still here in some way shape or form, well at least thats what I like to believe……I went off to sleep after that.

I woke up at 8.50 this morning feeling less than chipper lol, but got up, had a shower, put my scruffs on, then had my fruity breakfast, before getting the shears and loppers, the stepladder and my gardening gloves and heading onto D&Es driveway nextdoor, to cut back the laurel hedge that is along the side of my house, beside their side path. It hasnt been cut back for 12 months and has put on a massive amount of new growth.

It took a good few hours, but eventually I finished it, with a little help from D as i couldn't quite reach the back. They came back after about an hour, towing their caravan, so they can clean it pre autumn…….we managed to get both jobs done side by side……I did get a little wet once or twice courtesy of D’s hosepipe, lol! 

 By the time Id cleared up and gone indoors I felt  ready for some lunch, no wonder, it was 2.30! 
Made myself a proper cooked breakfast, what would you call that, its certainly not brunch lol.

I cleared up in the kitchen, then decided to use the rest of thr bacon and mushrooms in apasta dish, with some leftover chicken for my dinner this evening……….ended up with enough for dinner and another portion for the freezer. 

Once I had cleaned up for the second time, I went upstairs got changed and drove into town for a coffee and a relaxing sit down for a while…..I’d clocked up just over 10k steps by 4pm :-) Enjoyed my flat white in a very quiet Costa….which was fine by me.  Back home, cleaned the squished bugs off the car windscreen, then filled the washer fluid which had been flashing up on the dash. Whilst I was out there, I hoovered the front mats, as they were a bit grubby. Then inside, put the oven on to heat my dinner, got changed into my comfy’s and watched the latter part of the Military Tattoo rerun,  brings back memories of my Girls Brigade marching band days :-) 

After dinner watched Vigil, really good……so far
Noticed that there is a new series of Silent Witness starting next Monday too.

Spoke to middle son this evening too….his store refit is still not finished! Its very busy too with the school holidays…..This was a trial,  not so sure its been successful so not likely to be rolled out for other store refits!! 

Todays. lip,is a late lazy one, just my flowers that are standing in the hearth ……I do like alstroemerias, they last really well, these are a week old tomorrow . Have to buy my own these days ;-/ not that hub bought them on a regular basis, but sometimes…….I am really missing him just now <3 

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