Windmill 'de Regt', Nieuw Lekkerland

'De Regt' is a surname.  Actually, it means 'the Straight'.
In Dutch, a 'rechter' is a judge.  'Ga rechts' = 'go right'.
Of course, 'extreem rechts' is... extreme right-wing, as in politics.  You got it.
'Lekker' is Dutch for 'yummy' = 'New Yummyland!'  :D)))

A tedious morning with AW that evened out by early afternoon.  He left for a 5-km. stroll while I took a shower and then picked up some bread.  By the time I got back, he was back, and then I went hunting.  These days, while the cloud radar is useful, the speed at which these fluffy things travel is tremendous, so it's best to head in the general direction of a large stable patch of blue sky, and even then there are no guarantees.  It took me a lot longer to make my quota of shots because there were moments when there was just a bit too much shade.

The dike is rather narrow, you might notice.  It's good for a two-way street but not more than that.  Behind me is a rather busy river called 'De Lek', or 'the Leak'.  Directly behind me, just before the river, is a narrow bike path.  Cycling along the rivers here is just fabulous, especially when one is on a high dike.  The river is, as you know by now, a lot higher than the street.  If you look closely to the right ('rechts') of the picture, you'll observe a rather steep drop.  The small flyover is also slanting down.  It was at the bottom of that that I parked the car.  Six years ago, when I saw this mill for the first time, I parked 'downstairs', right beside it -- that was a steep climb up when it was time to leave!

In the evening, AW left for Monday evening live bridge.  I was busy while he was gone -- vacuuming, laundry, ironing, kitchen.  In between all that, loads of gaming, and then the Burgundians before bed.  It helps to be really tired because it means I sleep better.

Thanks for sniffing yesterday's rose!

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