Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It’s the end of the world as we know it.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has its HQ a few hundred yards from where I live, and today there was an occupation of the building by a group that accuse it of "greenwashing" and being part of the problem. You can read about their claims here


It was a well organised and peaceful affair with a PA system and lots of banners. The police had cordoned it off but their presence felt superfluous. The closest they came to violence or vandalism was putting a cardboard panda head on a statue of a famous local cricketer. 

I suspect there is truth in what they say. Desperate times call for radical challenges. Personally I think we’re in a serious place and have told my  kids that this is no world to bring more children into, much as I’d love to be a grandfather. Terrible thing to say but I think we’ve screwed up big time and the countdown to disaster is well and truly advanced.

On a happier note … I had a good day, lots of coffee, reading and jobs ticked off the to do list. I had plenty of energy and got lots of steps in. Life goes on, at least for me, for a little while.

 Finished reading "The Fortune Men", so have now done three of this year’s Booker long list. Very, very good read, wonderful prose and a damning incitement of post colonial injustice being played out in a 1950s dockside town where the colour of your skin and your ethnic origins pretty much determines your life chances.  Chilling but compelling. Rather like the end of the world …

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