Her smile
Today I spent the morning with my mother. Since she only gets out in her wheelchair, the best way to have a good conversation is to sit on a bench so the two of us are on the same level.
We had a long conversation about traveling by train. She assured me that she had taken the train only once in her life, and it was to go to Barcelona from Granada, on a journey that lasted 24 hours.
I listed some of the times that I have memory of travelling with her on trains, and other trips that she did when she was young.
She laughed and said - You have a good memory I don't remember any of those trips you are talking about, and I replied - No, it's just that I always keep a journal and write down the things you say to me.
The best thing today is that she was happy that I reminded her of her past. I was happy too to see her little smile
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