The last day of the Summer (TT327)

Today is the last day of meteorological summer* (in the UK) and these last few newish hawthorn leaves look to be turning colour already. 
Compared to everything else in the rail cutting, they are quite tiny,  so I hope that fits the theme. 

This morning we were out on the bikes delivering the parish magazine, first time for a while in long trousers! In the afternoon I was at Yoga and then out with Gill looking for a couple of Box Tree plants to complete a small hedge she has planted around the sundial.  By the time we were back it was not far off getting dim outside, so this is shot with a diffused flash (flash bender) which has isolated it from a messy background :-).

*the autumnal equinox is not until Sept 22nd, but the weather does not appear to be taking much notice!

Thanks to H0tamer for hosting tiny Tuesday.

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