
By BlueMerle

Road update

Thought it was time I did an update blip for those who have been following the road repair process.

The rock carting trucks have been gone two weeks now. The excavators went early last week after final placement of rocks for the groynes upstream of this piece of road.

Here, the pegs have been put in place presumably for where the tar sealing guys have to go. Have heard that they are also to place a barrier rail up along this piece of road.

So in the meantime we are still driving in one lane along here as have been told that the next stage of this job is over to next contractor now.

Soon we will be able to be a two lane highway here, it has been about 18 months now that we have been using this stretch of road as a one lane road and there is still some idiots who do not understand what the stop sign on the south bound traffic end means, they keep driving when they supposed to give way to north bound traffic. So will be good when it is back to normal.

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