Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

On The Doorstep

This little feather, sprinkled with tiny drops of rain (or maybe just heavy dew), was just outside the back door this morning. We were on our way out, to Kelso, so there was no time to get the big camera on the job ... but I have dug it out, and hope to start using it again soon. 

Likewise, to get back to 'proper' blipping, and turning comments on again. September will be here tomorrow, and that always feels like a new beginning. I'm slowly catching up with journals. And the Autumn Cleaning is nearly done ... ever more 'stuff' going to the recycling centre/charity shops. It's a good feeling.

The theme for Tiny Tuesday is 'In the Forest'. There are lots of trees around us, but hardly a forest ......

Thanks to HOtamer for hosting the challenge.

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