B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


This dog! He’s a funny little beast. He hates that I work past his bedtime…. So, he makes it a point to come out and bother me. Nudge my arm so I pet him. Sigh heavily when I tell him “that’s enough”. Then he whines, softly at first so not to disturb my concentration then it grows into the sad face (shown here) and a more pathetic whine-bark combination.

I know what he wants… he wants me to take out his bed in our room, give it a fluff and make it all comfy for him so he can go to turn in for the night. Seriously - once I do that, he goes in, snuggles up and is snoring within 5 minutes.

They are funny creatures aren’t they! In the time it took me to type this, he’s fallen soundly asleep.

Goodnight Meta!

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