Journey Through Time

By Sue

Balance Beam

This little bushtit was just getting situated on this little branch when I snapped the photo. I had to lighten it up so you can see his sweet face. Aww, isn't he cute? I was sitting watching one of my TV shows I recorded (Making of the Continents - something like that. Love my science shows...) when I spotted two Anna's Hummingbirds at the water fountain. I snapped this of one of them through the window that has a screen...hence the lousy image...BUT, this does show what caught my eye....that wonderful green glowing in the sun.

Another day of sun, rain, hail, and repeat. Actually yesterday afternoon, northeast of me we had an F.0 tornado, the weakest one on the scale, but still, winds of 65-85 mph did some damage to some barns and outbuildings. We didn't detect anything out of the norm at our house at that time period, as it didn't come near to our neighborhood at all. Didn't know about it until we saw it on the news. What we get are called cold core tornados, a weaker cousin to the ones the rest of the country can get.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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