Nir Levy Photography

By nir

Robotics based extravaganza

After winning the FTC World Championship the team and I were invited to the state Capital for a bill signing. The now law pays 1st year science teachers like 5th year teachers. I heard that back at school a history teacher ranted about the unfairness but I understand the need to motivate college grads to turn to teaching sciences when our state produced a single digit amount of physics teachers last year.

Our governor, Sonny Perdue (pictured) spoke about the issue, answered some local media questions, and then shook our hands and posed with us. It was very eventful as the school principle treated the team to a nice lunch right after. Next step is to meet with Obama. ;)

Not that he is extraordinarily notable but I wished today I had a sharper lens. I got really close, shook his hand and got someone to take a picture of the two of us. Focus never seems perfect when you need it to be. Next time.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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