A Bath...........

...............was the only thing that could heat him up.

It was bloody freezing today. After youth theatre finished, I became super grumpy when confronted by the enormous queue waiting for the bus. We stood for about five minutes (me and John) before I decided we'd start walking to the next stop......muttering as I went about late buses (I know..... I didn't wait long enough) and the pissing freezing weather.

My fingers were completely devoid of blood but as we walked the blood started to course back into my fingers until they burned. I hate it when my fingers go numb. Sometimes there's no feeling in them for around 40 minutes. I often wonder if they will just wither and die.

My grumpiness fuelled by numb then burning hands made me phone Kevin and insist he collected us in the car. Me and John just kept walking and finally met him at Roseburn.

I hate buses in the cold anyway. They're always jam packed and smelly with condensation dripping from the windows cos nobody will open a window.

It will be good after the Easter break when me and John can cycle into town for youth theatre in (hopefully) nicer weather.

My fingers are are still throbbing and look horrible.

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