Capital Cloud and le chien

The day started sunny and we got really hot. The Boss shed his jacket and wished that he had put a lighter jersey on although his tech kept saying 7C.
Maybe it was the 11 km of staggering and a hill that heated us up but this cloud over the view was very brief. We met "Chewie" on the way. Not the Star wars one  but the French Briard  one who we thought was a total delight and took a while to give him back to his lovely Boss lady and his Lab friend. (extra) and a big BARK for your support of yesterday's reflective.
Welli is wonderful for dogs and their owners are always chuffed to talk about them too. (suitably distanced and masked of course).  The owners not the dogs...Right?
No construction news as The Boss has got deeply buried in a book from the Library on his iPad (another tech plus). Wonderful App with everything adjustable (Font and screen)  "Scrublands"  Chris Hammer. 

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