Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Off putting...

Chaotic day.

Sat in my café going through four years of bank records while having lunch. The house hunting thing has been made more tedious by the fact the last person I shared a house with left me with a black mark on the tenancy database because HE stopped paying rent. So I went to the effort of going through my bank records, and highlighting incoming pay, automatic rent payments, as well as when I had gone into the agent's to pay what he wasn't paying... It was tedious.

What was off putting was this group of women. Constantly giving me judgmental looks, making snide remarks, and one of them even whinged about her daughter not getting married the way SHE wants her to... Apparently the wedding isn't about her and her future husband, but about what mummy wants.

Excuse me while I rage.

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