Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

An old friend used for a new purpose

A free cheese straw for the first person to correctly identify the ruler :-)

I made a tray of these yesterday to take along to drinks with my neighbours Paula and Shayna. To my delight they loved them and they disappeared really quickly.

I made some more this morning as a breakfast treat.

Recipe ingredients: Pre made puff pastry, defrosted and rolled out, level teaspoon of table salt, 2 tablespoons Hungarian smoked paprika, two tablespoons of dijon mustard let down in a little water to double cream consistency, bowl of roughly grated cheese (mature cheddar or  parmesan is good).

Method: roll out your defrosted pastry onto a sheet of greaseproof paper.  Sprinkle one side evenly with paprika and salt. Put it back in the fridge for an hour.

Once the pastry is chilled, flip in over onto another greaseproof sheet then brush with the mustard. Sprinkle evenly with the grated cheese then refrigerate for another hour.

After chilling the pastry, run a rolling pin across the cheese side pressing the cheese into the pastry.

Cut into strips, twist then cook on the middle shelf at 180 fan for 15 minutes until golden.

Ideally eat within an hour :-)

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